‘Hidden Treasures’
Wander this beautiful garden of
Michael and Kim Rabbidge
Open Garden – Last Chance Visit
Monday, October 16th, 2017.
Volunteer Guides, welcome members of Friends of Brisbane Botanic Gardens and Sherwood Arboretum to Honey Bees-values and threats presented by Trevor Weatherhead on Monday June 5th at 9:30am, in the Auditorium, Mt. Coot-tha.
Following the presentation, FBBGSA Kitchen Gardens team invite FBBGSA members and Volunteer Guides to join us for morning tea in the Kitchen Garden, Mt.Coot-tha.
Members are invited to bring a plate of plant based morning tea to share.
To register, please email members@fbbgsa.org.au by 29th May.
‘Landscapes of Capability Brown’ by Stuart Read – 9 August 2017
FBBGSA are pleased to announce this event for August organised by our sister group of AGHS.
While they are always welcoming new members, this event is also open to non-members as well.
Please consider attending for a really interesting illustrated talk.
Click Here for more details