Kitchen in the Garden is the building at the Botanic Gardens at Mt Coot-tha while the surrounds are the Kitchen Garden. This is now being maintained with help from fBBGSA volunteers overseen by MCBG professional gardener Tash. While Julie Lumsdale started it all off in February, Patty Munro is the new Team Leader for the Kitchen Garden volunteer team.

So come and have a look at what we are doing – give us praise, suggestions are welcome, and if this project excites you why not join us! You can come for a day or stay the year! Any interest you have can be directed to

Volunteers Sue Edwards, Fay Stutt, Patty Munro, Marie Hollingworth, and Ros Laundon. Note our handsome new sun-safe shirts with logo!! And that’s Tash in the yellow shirt (BCC gardener).

Brilliant flowers and foliage in the winter sunshine! Showing visitors how to grow edibles at home with tight spaces and limited resources while fighting off flocks of pesky Scrub Turkeys with upended plant trays!



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BTW: Dale Arvidsson mentioned using proven seed gathered from members which we thought an excellent idea. If you have some reliable vegetable/fruit seeds suited to Brisbane we would like to try some, for instance your Nana’s tomatoes or Dad’s Italian Parsley! Please may we have some seed?
