The Botanic Gardens Biosecurity Network is excited to announce the botanic gardens biosecurity pest blitzes.
We are calling on visitors, friends, volunteers and staff of botanic gardens to take part in three targeted biosecurity pest blitzes between September and November this year. Biosecurity pest blitzes are a way to conduct surveillance for plant pests and diseases. Blitzes are run over a set period of time. They encourage and support communities to participate in surveillance for pests and diseases. The network will be hosting myrtle rust blitz (12-20 September), brown marmorated stinkbug blitz (3-11 October) and tree of heaven blitz (14-22 November). To participate download the MyPestGuide™ Reporter app, look for the pest or plant then send your report to the ‘botanic gardens’ project in the MyPestGuide™ Reporter app.
Further information on the blitzes can be found here and for the latest updates on each blitz follow the Botanic Gardens Biosecurity Network on Facebook.